Transition with Intention


I don’t know about you, but I feel more harried as the months of COVID wear on. No wonder, so much is ungrounded right now. Some of us are working from home, spending long days on zoom. Some of us are working out in the world as usual, only with increased risk, uncertainty and intensity. Some of us have lost work. Whatever our situation is, many of us are navigating this new world with heightened urgency and weightiness, moving quickly from one thing to the next, experiencing the resulting energy drain. 

I’m using this time of Solstice, one of the most apparent transitions in our natural world, to feel into my own transitions. I’m noticing how often I move unconsciously from one thing to another. The more I experiment with noticing the transition, the more I notice that not doing this leads to a harried sense of rushing from one thing to the next. When I miss the chance to notice space between activities, I don’t fully arrive in the new place.

 The earth is telling us how to do this. The days get shorter. In a few days we have the imperceptible moment when the earth pauses, then tilts back towards the sun. How can we manage our own small, and sacred pauses? How can we pause and notice the movement from one thing to the other? 

When is the moment in your day when you transition unconsciously? Is it moving from one zoom meeting to the next? Falling into bed at the end of a long day? Sitting down to eat? For me it’s rushing out the door to pick up kids from preschool. I jolt out of work mode. Before I know it, I’m in the car with no recognition of making the moves required to get there 

What might support you in practicing transitions with more intention? What might open up for you if you were able to notice as you move from one activity to the next?

Enjoy the transition from dark to light on this Solstice. Enjoy your own small and sacred transitions.

With Love,


If you’d like to receive practices to support you, sign up for my monthly practice, delivered to your inbox. The latest one is about transitions. 


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